# of watchers: 4
Fans: 0
| D20: 16 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2004-06-22 [Shade Wolf]: Hey
2004-06-22 [Kurus_Dreaon]: hows it going herez
2004-06-22 [Psyrin]: uhhh....i wasnt dun but ok
2004-06-22 [Shade Wolf]: Pretty well
2004-06-22 [Death's Die-Ary]: well keep going then
2004-06-22 [Death's Die-Ary]: until she's done i'll use one of them
2004-06-22 [Kurus_Dreaon]: they are both good already....ver
2004-06-22 [Death's Die-Ary]: and this one time at band camp.....i had a wet t shirt contest and i got kicked out...
2004-06-22 [Psyrin]:
2004-06-22 [Shade Wolf]: Really?
2004-06-22 [Psyrin]: thats the spirit Nirvana!! wewt
2004-06-22 [44. Caliber Love Letter]: Yeah, she forgot the shirt had to be on her for it to count...just kidding!
2004-06-22 [Psyrin]: lol
2004-06-23 [XxHelp_lessxX]: trust me i'm not a think as u drunk i am?
2004-06-24 [Death's Die-Ary]: yes u r.....
2004-06-24 [Psyrin]: *laughs*
2004-06-24 [Death's Die-Ary]: *drinks out of the bar*
2004-06-24 [Psyrin]: *stops at bar to kiss Sintress* hey babe
2004-06-24 [Death's Die-Ary]: *kisses back* hey want a drink
2004-06-24 [Psyrin]: sure why not, gotta go dj soon
2004-06-24 [Death's Die-Ary]: u wuv someone else :(?
2004-06-24 [Psyrin]: ...no
2004-06-24 [Psyrin]: i dont love anyone right now
2004-06-24 [Death's Die-Ary]: oh so then i guess...ok
2004-06-24 [Psyrin]: ....what....
2004-06-24 [Psyrin]: pm me if u need to say something
2004-06-24 [Death's Die-Ary]: there's nothin to say, i have my answer...
2004-06-24 [Psyrin]: whatd u expect....
2004-06-24 [Death's Die-Ary]: i guess ur in wuv with BellofHell....
2004-06-24 [Psyrin]: *wants to scream*
2004-06-25 [XxHelp_lessxX]: *falls off bar stool* wow thats a long drop *passes out*
2004-06-26 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *walks in* lo all...how ya doin
2004-06-26 [Psyrin]: meh
2004-06-27 [XxHelp_lessxX]: hehe i'm......... hehee*passes out
2004-06-28 [Psyrin]: *blinks*
2004-06-28 [Death's Die-Ary]: Heylo *waves*
2004-06-28 [Psyrin]: *waves, spins some deadstar assembly song - take a deep breath*
2004-06-28 [Death's Die-Ary]: ooooo i wanna get atreyu's new cd !
2004-06-29 [Kurus_Dreaon]: lol
2004-06-29 [mage of darkness]: Walks in and orders a high caffine drink
2004-06-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: oooooh *hands it to mage* here ya go...
2004-06-30 [Psyrin]: *switches to new track, mars-keep on path*
2004-06-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: *cuts the cord* *hides*
2004-06-30 [Psyrin]: *glares*
2004-06-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: eh i didnt do that......*gla
2004-06-30 [XxHelp_lessxX]: *sits up*wow where am i
2004-06-30 [Psyrin]: thats just why you're holding the scissors
2004-06-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: edward scissorhands
2004-06-30 [Psyrin]: you're guilty, you fix it
2004-06-30 [Psyrin]: while ur at it fix me a margarita
2004-06-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: *fixes a margarita and puts a drug pill in it* here ya go
2004-06-30 [XxHelp_lessxX]: can i get a shot i don't care of what but i just need a shot
2004-06-30 [Psyrin]: (maybe if im lucky itll kill me) *drinks it as fast as possible without brain freeze*
2004-06-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: *gets a gun*.....
2004-06-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: *pours a mudslide* here ya go
2004-06-30 [Psyrin]: *pulls flask out of her pocket and drinks that too*
2004-06-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: um..i dun wanna no
2004-06-30 [XxHelp_lessxX]: hey where is that shot!!
2004-06-30 [Psyrin]: *pulls out the backup flask and drinks that as well*
2004-06-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: dont yell at me gotdamnit! lol
2004-06-30 [Psyrin]: *is sad when they're both empty*
2004-06-30 [XxHelp_lessxX]: sorry sorry i just need a shot!!!!
2004-06-30 [Psyrin]: can i get a glass of jack daniels please
2004-06-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: ah u ppl....*gives u wat u need*
2004-06-30 [XxHelp_lessxX]: Thank U i needed that *tips the glass back* wow, ok really thannnk U
2004-06-30 [Psyrin]: *drinks this to last drop*
2004-06-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: *drinks from the kegs*
2004-06-30 [Psyrin]: can i just get like a huge glass of mudslide?
2004-06-30 [XxHelp_lessxX]: i need so yaggy plz
2004-07-02 [mage of darkness]: Sits on a sofa listening to Led Zepplin.
2004-07-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: yea go get it...
2004-07-02 [Psyrin]: *garbs mad amounts of kahlua and stuff*
2004-07-02 [Shade Wolf]: *sits in Mallory's cleavage*
2004-07-02 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *walks in* lo....whats up
2004-07-02 [Shade Wolf]: Missing my gf
2004-07-02 [Kurus_Dreaon]: im sorry
2004-07-02 [Shade Wolf]: It's not ur fault
2004-07-02 [Kurus_Dreaon]: no but i feel bad for ya....if i had a gf im sure i would miss her if i couldnt see her
2004-07-02 [Shade Wolf]: She just got on Yahoo
2004-07-02 [Shade Wolf]: Do you know [Death's Die-Ary]?
2004-07-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: *screams* oh no the terror
2004-07-02 [Shade Wolf]: What? *kisses Mallory*
2004-07-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: *kisses back* i dunno but someones profile game me nightmares.
2004-07-02 [Kurus_Dreaon]: that bad huh?
2004-07-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: lol yeah someone's profile but i wont say....i think richard, u should know.
2004-07-02 [Kurus_Dreaon]: hmm..interesti
2004-07-02 [Shade Wolf]: It did? How?
2004-07-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: is that a man or woman?
2004-07-02 [Shade Wolf]: What?
2004-07-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: the perfekt one......that profile is scary.i'm sorry but thats the ugliest person i ever saw.
2004-07-02 [Shade Wolf]: Oh,I thought you meant my profile at first
2004-07-02 [Kurus_Dreaon]: ROFL
2004-07-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: nooo,lol.
2004-07-02 [Shade Wolf]: I love you Mallory. I really truily do.
2004-07-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: *Cries* i hate everything !.....heathers over here tellin me off and its fuckin ugh!
2004-07-02 [Psyrin]: *holds her*
2004-07-02 [Shade Wolf]: Do you hate me?
2004-07-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: *drowns in my own tears of blood*
2004-07-03 [mage of darkness]: Orders another high caffine drink.
2004-07-05 [Shade Wolf]: *ressurects Mallory*
2004-07-05 [Death's Die-Ary]: *comes back to life* eh being dead was fun. now order me a drink.
2004-07-05 [Shade Wolf]: *get's a RedBull and hands it to Mallory*
2004-07-05 [Death's Die-Ary]: *downs it*.....mmmm i swear i love that red bull, it's my everyday coffee.the only thing that actually works....*take
2004-07-05 [Shade Wolf]: *goes with a grin*
2004-07-05 [Death's Die-Ary]: *DOES THE PARTY GIRL DANCE*
2004-07-05 [Shade Wolf]: *claps as I watch* Take it off. :P
2004-07-05 [Death's Die-Ary]: *stands on table n dances,spills red bull over myself* u can lick it off.
2004-07-05 [mage of darkness]: Gose and sits back on the sofa, then heads it to the pool.
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: *Walks in and looks at everyone that was there*
2004-07-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: *everyone looks back at you in silence*
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: *Turns into a black wolf and still looks at everyone not saying a word*
2004-07-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: *everyone rushes out the club*
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: ???What? What did I do?*Watches them leave*
2004-07-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: i think their scared of wolves....but i'm still here *stares at u*
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: Oh*Looks at her while moving his tail around*
2004-07-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: *fangs come out from staring too long*
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: *Blinks*Are you okay?
2004-07-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: Are u?
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: I'm okay......*Get
2004-07-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: *smiles* thats good....keep walking.
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: *Turns his head and shows his fangs while growling*
2004-07-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: *looks around* um....*begins to back away*.....*thr
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: *Dodges it still growling and showing his fangs as a warning*
2004-07-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: *keeps throwing grenades* ugh!
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: *Keeps dodging them and starts walking toward her*You messed with the wrong wolf.*Still growling at her*
2004-07-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: *throws an atomic bomb,but leaves b4 it explodes*
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: *Chases her and disappears*
2004-07-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: *tries to kill myself so he cant hurt me*
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: *Appears in front of her,jumps on her and starts bitting her*
2004-07-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: *starts stabbing u with my dagger* ugh u fucker..*falls on the floor* stop! noooo
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: *Backs away and disappears*
2004-07-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: *breathes heavily*
2004-07-06 [Rick-P]: *Appears behind her and attacks her again*
2004-07-07 [Death's Die-Ary]: *gasps* noooo *curls up in the corner*
2004-07-07 [Rick-P]: *Bites her arm and rips a peice of skin off of her arm*
2004-07-07 [Death's Die-Ary]: *screams in torture* get off me u demented monkey!...u win ok? u win! *shoots u repeatedly*
2004-07-07 [Rick-P]: *Backs away and disappears for good*
2004-07-07 [Psyrin]: *glares*
2004-07-07 [Shade Wolf]: *kills dark night*
2004-07-07 [Death's Die-Ary]: *cries tears of blood*
2004-07-07 [Shade Wolf]: *hugs Mallory* I luv u
2004-07-07 [Death's Die-Ary]: *hugs back* i luv u too.
2004-07-07 [Shade Wolf]: Why r u crying?
2004-07-07 [Death's Die-Ary]: *clears throat*....
2004-07-07 [Shade Wolf]: Yes?
2004-07-07 [Death's Die-Ary]: *dances on the pole*
2004-07-07 [Shade Wolf]: *Watches and smiles*
2004-07-08 [mage of darkness]: *gets out of the pool and heads for the bar and orders a vodka martine shaken not sturd*
2004-07-09 [Death's Die-Ary]: *hands it to u* here u go *smiles
2004-07-09 [Shade Wolf]: *kisses Mallory and puts more cash in the register*
2004-07-09 [Death's Die-Ary]: *kisses back*
2004-07-09 [Shade Wolf]: *smiles*
2004-07-10 [mage of darkness]: Thanks.
2004-07-11 [Shade Wolf]: No prob
2004-07-12 [QTwitBooty6t9]: *stares*
2004-07-12 [Death's Die-Ary]: *clears throat*....
2004-07-13 [Death's Die-Ary]: *goes behind the bar and changes clothes*
2004-07-13 [Shade Wolf]: *peeks behind the bar and watches*
2004-07-13 [mage of darkness]: *put in you've got another thing commin by Judas Priest*
2004-07-14 [pixyman]: *buys the house a round and leaves*
2004-07-14 [pixyman]: *returns gathers courage and dances on pole*
2004-07-14 [pixyman]: *sits at the bar and orders a stiff rootbeer*
2004-07-14 [pixyman]: *guzzles then leaves* halfling pride folks
2004-07-14 [Death's Die-Ary]: *crowd stares* wut the...*downs my drink*
2004-07-14 [Psyrin]: haha\
2004-07-14 [Death's Die-Ary]: this wiki is gonna disappear
2004-07-15 [Psyrin]: ??
2004-07-15 [Psyrin]: why
2004-07-15 [Death's Die-Ary]: cuz it sux...
2004-07-16 [Shade Wolf]: Hun?
2004-07-16 [Kurus_Dreaon]: it doesnt suck...at least i dont thinkit does
2004-07-17 [mage of darkness]: *orders a beer*
2004-07-18 [Death's Die-Ary]: *hands u a beer* sorry for the delay....*smil
2004-07-19 [mage of darkness]: That's ok *smiles*
2004-07-20 [Psyrin]: can i get a smirnoff twist?
2004-07-20 [mage of darkness]: *look for some Queen songs*
2004-07-20 [Death's Die-Ary]: *throws u a smirnoff twist* *drinks some of it* ok here ya go
2004-07-20 [mage of darkness]: *puts in one vision by Queen*
2004-07-22 [Shade Wolf]: "She's a Killer Queen*
2004-08-04 [Death's Die-Ary]: i changed this to a place to just chat n chill,bar is still available though
2004-08-04 [XxHelp_lessxX]: whats up ppl?
2004-08-05 [Shade Wolf]: I want to get my girl a redbull/beer mixed
2004-08-10 [mage of darkness]: *Askes fora beer*
2004-08-10 [Death's Die-Ary]: *gives one to u* here ya go :)
2004-08-11 [mage of darkness]: thanks.
2004-08-30 [Shade Wolf]: Here baby*hands you a Red Bull/Smirnov Twist
2004-08-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: *downs it *
2004-08-30 [Shade Wolf]: Was it good baby?
2004-08-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: yesh
2004-08-30 [Shade Wolf]: Want a No Fear/Wine Cooler?
2004-08-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: okies ^^
2004-08-30 [Shade Wolf]: *hands you one(case)*
2004-08-30 [mage of darkness]: put on radar rider by Riggs
2004-09-15 [mage of darkness]: listens to t's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll by AC/DC
2004-09-16 [Shade Wolf]: *Listens to Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones*
2004-09-16 [mage of darkness]: Orders a beer.
2004-11-04 [i love gir to much]:
2004-11-04 [Shade Wolf]: LOL,You ok I love?
2004-12-15 [Death's Die-Ary]: :D
Number of comments: 225
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